Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dear Lizzie... (8)

Dear Lizzie,
Well, we are tearing out a wall Frank put in this week.  We need to alter the kitchen he put in for you.  It is fascinating to read in your diary about when he went to purchase the lumber for your kitchen - the lumber we are now partially removing.  On the back of some of the boards are tattered pieces of newspaper.  It doesn't cover all the boards, why is it there?  Did you put it there, or did Frank?  One piece says it is from LaSalle and is dated 1871.  I wish the pieces weren't in such bad condition. I would love to read what they say.  One has an article about the Kansas legislature.  I like to surmise that perhaps you put them there just for fun, for such a day as this. Maybe you knew some day someone would be working with that wall and would find what was in it.  Did you know that your grandson Allan's wife hid something in another wall of the kitchen?  When I was three months old they walled off the spot where the window in the south wall of the living room had been.  Grandma placed a note it there.
Because it is fun, I am going to pretend the papers are there for that very reason - to be discovered.  I am thrilled I was the one to discover them.  I would love to think there are more hidden "treasures" to be discovered.
Sorry about the destruction in the kitchen.  We need to update it a bit.  I am sure it was fantastic for you when it was built.  It needs a little love now.  And boy, we totally need to make space for the dishwasher.  I won't even tell you what that is.  I would hate to do that to you.
Yours Truly,


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