Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dear Lizzie... (7)

Dear Lizzie,
Well, we are tearing up your house again.  Sometimes I am overwhelmed at the amount of work this is going to be, sometimes I am just excited to see what it will become.  Today I was wondering how much trepidation you had has you traveled to Kansas; to this house.  Did you wonder what it would look like?  Were you wondering what you had gotten yourself into?  Did you fear leaving the city to head out to the wild prairie?  I am looking around at what is a total mess at this point, and wondering what we have gotten ourselves into.  I am not a patient person and I usually want a mess gone five minutes ago.  I know this will take time, and someday our little family of six will occupy these walls.  I figure if you can come do it at the time you did, than surely I need to give it a try.  I think the challenges will make us stronger.  I am happy to think that while I am here I can think of what you did each day so many years ago.  Truth be told I am happy we are rehabbing this place.  It would be sad to see it go empty after all these years.  This past Christmas was the first Christmas that no one was here since the house was built.  Or did you travel some Christmas?  Anyway, it seemed so lonely.
We are busy making it ours like all the generations before us.  It will be interesting to see how long it is home for us, and if we will be the last.

Yours Truly,


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