Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankful for...... Suckage

I have to get this out before someday I am threatened to change my mind.
I have a good friend.  She is afflicted with more physical ailments than any one person should have.  We have both agreed that we don't like the word, "suck", but at times it just seems no other word is appropriate.  Whenever one of us is having a particularly hard time we seem to break out that word.
A few weeks back I was having a really hard time emotionally and spiritually.  My good friend said there was a lot of "suckage" going on.  A little word she coined just for me.  Now we use that when there is a goodly quantity of rough stuff going on for one of us.
I love my friends.  They are so amazing.  I am thankful for people I can be frank with and they won't then run away.  It is a relief to not have to deal with tough situations totally on your own.
That leads to me saying that I would crumble in upon myself if it weren't for God in the hard times.  We are guaranteed difficulty in life, people will always fail us, and circumstances are always changing.  God is my only constant, and the only good thing I really have going for me.  As another wonderful friend of mine said one day, "Without Jesus, you don't want to know me."
I don't enjoy hard times.  I don't like struggles.  I hate feeling frustrated, awkward, or nervous.  My time spent worrying about anything is always a waste.
But right now, today, I can say I am thankful for what is difficult - in that it draws me closer to God.  My broken heart seeks the one and only thing that can mend it.  It hasn't always been this way for me.  I am doing better but have a long way to go.  If I was perfect and whole I would be spending too much time patting my back instead of falling to my knees.
Suckage hurts.  I am so ready for the day it never exists again.  But in the mean time, while we can all be thankful for what is great in our lives, I will try to be thankful for what is hard.  For these circumstances given to me with planned precision, so that I can be one step closer to heaven.


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