Monday, November 8, 2010

Keepin' It Real, Even With New Shoes

Mama. Mom. Mommy. Mother. And a host of other names and terms applying to this job of raising offspring or other small creatures that have come into your care.  It is a great way to keep you humble.  Even, when you have new shoes.
Example: the start to my day today, this glorious Monday.
The time change yesterday has set off a cascade of odd wake up times and confusion about when we are tired enough for a nap.  Miss C was up at five yesterday, which was really six, which felt like three or four to me. Sigh.  She fell asleep on the way to church which made her too cranky for the nursery - so I got to sit in the hall and listen via monitor.
Today, Monday, she gets up at four, which used to be five, which is always earlier than I would like.  She wanted "mulk!!", so I nursed her as requested.  It was a ploy to get her to go back to sleep so in turn I could try to sleep some more.  Nope.  The warm little body next to me tosses and turns, dozes, changes position, its little hand slaps my face, then dozes again.  In desperation I try to ignore this and go back to sleep.  By the time I am finally back to the on-ramp for Slumber Land, I hear, "Ah!! Bleeewwwww ah!!!!!!!!"  She is now messing with Chris' face.  I realize I have to pee.  We are up.  I stumble downstairs and plop her on the bathroom floor so "mommy can go pee pee."  She watches intently, but refrains from taking notes.  Then we mosey out to the living room and I try to get my fuzzy brain to tell me what I can do to be productive. I notice I look nice and frumpy in my pajamas, and try to ignore it.  I set about with laundry and putting things in a general order.  Chris, half asleep, finds his way downstairs to "help" me.  After Claire's bath he sits with her as I do a few more things and then make breakfast for my other early riser, Mr Si.  After I get him set up with food, I decide to go jog.  I leave Claire with Chris, who is armed with the remote.  He is hoping something animated and colorful will pacify his tired daughter into sitting on his lap, and subsequently be lulled to sleep.
I make a break, I'm out the door!!  A whole run with just me, the music, and the great outdoors.  I'm feeling good. I come back in, shower, get dressed, and put on my new shoes.  I don't buy much for myself.  We don't have a lot of money and I usually need to buy stuff for the kids.  New shoes are a treat for me, even if I just need new work out shoes.  So when I went this weekend to get new work out shoes, I saw another pair I really wanted.  Simple, really, but I just liked them right away.  Casual, not to be fancy, but fit for comfort.  Black, and a gray Tweed.  Not traditional laces, but silver-gray ribbons.  I splurged and got them.  I felt guilty for a bit, just for good measure.  I wore them yesterday for the first time.  I like those shoes!! As I put them on this morning I think again about how much I like them.  It's the same ol' me, but I'm walkin' in new shoes today!!  Spring in my step, head held high, I get school started with the kids.  It brings the usual challenges, and it isn't long before someone needs discipline.  Claire is now screaming from sheer exhaustion, and I am trying to get the boys focused, while Silas is a whirlwind of loud activity around the room.  Claire crawls over my feet, untying one of my fancy ribbons.  I pick her up. She is red in the face, has snot in her nose, and has tears of frustration on her precious face.  As I am rocking her to sleep, Silas comes up to me.
"Mooooomm!!!", he whispers.
"Will it wake up Claire if I go poop?"
"No honey, you go ahead."
Off he goes with a smile.
I still like my shoes.  They don't make life any more glamorous, or me for that matter.  But I suppose it is better to just keep things real.


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