Friday, November 5, 2010

Dear Lizzie... (3)

Dear Lizzie,
What ever did you do without technology?  Well, the technology that I have available to me now that spoils me.  I am having a bit of a rough time right now, and most of my best friends are at least 12 hours away from me.  I can still speak to them though - by a device called a phone.  Can you imagine that?  I also send my letters in seconds.  I can get a response in less than a day too.  It helps and it is a comfort.  Good friends are such a treasure.  I am so thankful God has allowed me to live in a time when I can keep in touch from hundreds of miles away.  I can't imagine what it was like for you to leave friends and family, and never know if you would ever see or talk to them again.  Or when Frank was searching for your new home you had to wait days, or maybe weeks, to communicate with him.  Did you worry about him often?  Did the suspense become too much at times?  Better you than me, Lizzie, I think.  You seem to have been much more patient than I.
Yours Truly,


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