Friday, October 15, 2010

Sad Happy

I had a "sad happy" moment today.  I don't know if that term exists already or not, but I coined it for myself just a couple of days ago.  A friend I can no longer see in person told me they missed me and it simultaneously made my day and saddened me.  There are too many people I still miss deeply after the move.  I probably will miss some of those dear folks for the rest of my life.
Anyway, today we went to see Grandma at her apartment.  It had been too long since we had been there.  We have seen her other places several times but only for shorter visits.  Grandma is so in love with her great-grandchildren.  If you didn't know she had a whole herd of them and only heard her speak of one at a time, you would think that child the most amazing child to have ever been birthed.  While she is still quite thrilled with my male offspring, sweet little Claire has quite stolen her heart.  She usually wants Claire to sit on her lap to play so she can get in some great cuddle time.  Claire has become quite taken herself with Great-grandma Anna, so she usually enjoys the time.  Grandma had set out the two dolls she has for Claire to play with.  Claire had these as well as a couple of her own we brought and was having a grand old time talking to the dolls as well as the real people in the room.  Being 14 months old we don't always understand Claire, even when she is quite earnest in what she is saying.  It didn't stop the fun though.  At one point Claire pulled off one of grandma's clip on ear ring.  She then held it up to her own ear trying to see how it might adhere.  It was adorable.  Grandma got quite a kick out of the whole thing.  Grandma then showed her a photo frame that had a picture of her and grandpa.  It was for their 50th wedding anniversary.  The frame had a wind up music box on the back.  Claire loves music and was thoroughly delighted when grandma wound it up and the delicate melody chimed out.  She smiled and did her little Claire dance.  Each time the music would fade grandma would wind it up again.  It didn't take long before Claire was trying to wind it herself, her keen eyes not missing what was being done to bring the music back.
I sat and stared at the interaction.  At that point it was just the two of them and the music as far as they were concerned.  Ages apart, worlds apart, but so totally content and in love.  One is 93, one just barley over a year old.  I was sad to think of grandma's youth, now gone.  I was almost a bit overwhelmed to think how much life is between the stages of those two women.  I am caught somewhere in the middle.  Not wanting to go back so far as Claire, unsettled with where I am now, and not ready for what grandma is going through.  Unconcerned,  oblivious really, to my thoughts, however, the two of them sat in happy bliss.  Just to enjoy each others company was all that was needed.  It warmed my heart to see it.  It saddened me to know how brief a snapshot in time it really was.
Sad Happy.  I think ultimately it is good for the heart.


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