Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mercy Dawns

I watched the silver moon bow to the pink of dawn this morning. I love to be up before everyone else. I like to hear the frog's nightly chorus give way to the melody of the birds. While I still miss the geography of Tennessee, you sure don’t see the sky there like you do here. It always feels so vast, like it could suck you up into oblivion at any moment. The stars loose no luster out here in the country.

I had planned to get up this early every day this summer to enjoy such a rare treat, but being mommy has just made me too tired to do it. There is so much peace to the beginning of the day - before you or someone else has had the chance to wreck it. This morning really reminded me of the verse that says,
"His mercies are new every morning."

The same stuff is happening out there at dawn everyday. The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west. The moon is always overshadowed by the sun. Nocturnal always gives way to diurnal. But what follows the dawn can be new. The mercy we receive to rewrite yesterday is a blessed thing. For a self critical gal like myself second chances are nearly manna.
Do yourself a favor - sometime soon go greet the morning. Go out in the black of night and await the sunrise. In the shade changes of black, to gray, to purple, to pink, to the full light of the sun see what happens in your heart.


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