Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It Has Felt Empty This Year...

Last Christmas (2010) I started a blog at the prompting of my oldest son. 
"What if we celebrated Christmas every day for a year, mom? Then we would celebrate it on the right day at some point."
Yes, every day.
That blog has morphed into a personal, spiritual overhaul for me. I am chronicling my journey as I define and subsequently strive to live out Christmas each day. As I do this, I see the emptiness of making this day special only once a year.
As Easter approached, I began to understand that Christmas was Easter and Easter was Christmas, and that I should be living what Easter means each day as well. As I looked at my definitions of Christmas I saw with such clarity that I had defined Easter too, and each one was Christ's way for me to live out my love for Him. How can I go a day without acknowledging what the Saviour did while on this Earth? What kind of child does it make me if I am not saying thank you, or not being changed? 
Here are my definitions. I am using them each day to convict and remind myself of what life is all about.

February 12th
Christmas definition # 1: Mercy
Christmas is mercy. Such mercy to be given the gift of the Christ child. My lack of mercy, loving mercy, is weighing heavily on me. I am not sure I am really loving well without showing mercy. The hesed kind of mercy. The kind that says, "I will look past what bothers me about you, what you do to hurt my feelings, where I think you fall short, how I think you could do better, where I wish you could be more like me." The kind where I chose to fiercely love my family, my friends, the world, without my "me-ness" getting in the way. Work. So much work to do.

February 14th

A day of love. What could be more Christmas than that? It isn't so hard to keep a Christmas attitude on a day designed for you to show love to others. It is certainly an excellent way to practice death to selfish desires and put others first. I stumbled a bit, but tried hard to recover. I succeeded in some ways today, giving up some things to make sure others were served.
Christmas definition #2 : Love

February 16th
I am so happy that this whole thing has already changed me. I guess I've heard that it takes three weeks to form a new habit. 
Christmas definition #3: Lasting
This whole way of thinking must be lasting, permanent. What Jesus did with his birth and death is permanent, timeless, everlasting. This can't just be a one year deal (though the blog will cease next December) but a new way to think and act that I carry with me to my grave.

February 19th
Christmas definition #4: forgiveness. Love and mercy should lead to that.

February 21st
I let too much stress play a part in today. That goes against what Jesus says about faith and trust.
Christmas definition #5: provision.
Jesus came to save us and to provide us with everything we need. For some, ultimate deliverance may mean going to Heaven - I realize that. Worrying over the details doesn't give credit to the gospel.

February 22nd
Some negative underlying current today. I found myself trying to pick fights. So very mature. Sigh. I preach this stuff to myself but I don't fully live it yet. I think that comes down to selfishness.
Christmas definition #6: Christmas is unselfish.

February 26th
Biting my tongue is a good thing to do for Christmas. If I wait to speak it saves me a lot of regret later - for all different reasons. Christmas definition #7: Speak a whole lot less, listen a whole lot more, choose to say something positive even when you feel negative.

April 24th
Seven definitions so far of Christmas I have come to.
Where did it lead me to?
Christmas is Easter.
Christmas definition #8 : The culmination of a God life on Earth - Easter.
#7 Speak less to hear more. Christ said we should be quick to listen. He stood quietly while accused.
#6Unselfish. Where is even one selfish second in the story of the gospel? "Not my will, but Thine."
#5Provision. Everything I need not provided by the last breath yelled out by my Savior.
#4Forgiveness. My sins. The sins of the world. Wiped clean by blood.
#3Lasting. "He shall reign forever and ever!"
#2Love. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son."
#1Mercy. Ah, Sovereign Lord! Your mercy gives me life, keeps me from the pit. Christ's death is mercy for us all.


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