So I'm watching this commercial where a father is worried about how late his daughter has been out. She proceeds to tell him he won't have to worry about that much longer as she shows him an engagement ring. As I am watching this Claire is sleeping in my arms. I became nauseated, looked down at her, and said, "You are staying with mama, OK?" This was only half in jest as it was also a bit of a weak plea. I looked around the room at the other kids. Why do they have to get big so fast? Why is everyone right when they say all those things they say so you won't waste your children's childhood? They say them with such a knowing tone. Now I know and I don't want to know. I looked at Chris.
"How horrible is life going to be when we can't fix it for them or make it all better?!?!"
As I let my eyes wander from child to child again I tried to think of something I could not fix for them. I came up blank. How long can I have that satisfaction? How long before my mom powers aren't enough? So I took matters into my own hands.
"Everybody FREEZE!!!!! Nobody grows an inch!"
The oldest two looked at me in sad sympathy. That look that says, "Poor mom. If she only knew how crazy she is."
Insert sound bite of large, wistful, anguished sigh here.
I'm gonna be good enough and be what it takes for as long as I can. I hope they remember that. When I am no longer enough, I hope they don't take too long to realize how good I was, so that they come running back. I don't want to be lonely for them too long.

You are such a wonderful writer..I ABSOLUTELY love the last paragraph.. I often find myself wanting to copy some of your sentences... I could put them in my "Charity Book." :)