What a relief to do March 13th over. It was a great day, really. Homemade cinnamon roles for Levi's birthday breakfast. Of course I had to get up at 5 to do that since I knew he would be up early. He won't remember that sacrifice, but I will and it will do me good. The boys all went out to play while Chris went back to bed for a nap. I realized too late that Levi had gone out in his camo jammies and cowboy boots to ride his bike. Ugh. Oh well, at least we are only renting and I don't think the neighbors saw.
We finally headed over to Phillips Toy Mart so Levi could spend his birthday booty. We can now re-enact the Civil War with Playmobil soldiers and a little help from some ancient Romans if we want to.
We went to Rainforest Cafe for dinner as last year. This time I didn't have to read a CT report describing my husband's renal tumor on the way. My food was a little tastier this year. We had a two hour wait for a table so we strolled the mall a bit. I scored the cutest coat for Claire for next winter. Originally $50 at The Children's Place, I got it for $8.50. Oh yeah! After some soft pretzels to keep blood sugars up, more walking, Korean bubble tea, bathroom break, and then feeding Claire, we were off to eat. We could relax. We could let tears well up this time because of how awesome our kids are and that Chris doesn't think he will miss all their birthdays now. Even though Chris feels like crud from having poison injected for the last five days, I do think he had a great time. Look, he can even smile for a picture this year.

Today was a gift. A deliberate gift. Some think when tragedy strikes that God isn't there. Or that He doesn't really care. Or maybe He even dropped the ball. The worst is when they think it is because He is carrying out some horrid judgement. Yes, the past year has been a mess. It has rocked me to my core. I am wrung out and tired to my bones. I have been to the bottom of the pit. But my God has been with me the whole way. What human could have planned Chris' treatment over the last year to end on March 12th? One day before the year anniversary of finding out he had some type of cancer? Do you know how many variables had to fall into place for it to happen the way it did? Today was God saying to us, "It's bad, I know, but I am here. See this? Only I could do this." It still gives me goosebumps.
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