So, today was our last day to go visit Chris at Vandy, unless something goes wrong tonight. I can't tell what a glorious day this is. Tomorrow will be better when we get to bring him home, but today is great for another reason. I hate, hate, hate having to go visit him in the hospital. Yes, I am a nurse, but hospital germs freak me out. I am a responsible adult and no longer put my unwashed fingers in my mouth. My kids on the other hand... Not only do I have to plan for them being hungry, thirsty, and probably tired, but I am still nursing a baby. Then I have to get them all safely to the room or rendezvous point. I have to make sure we respect the privacy and fragile condition of the other patients. I have to prove to the entire staff (who almost always stop everything they are doing and stare at us the entire way to Chris' room) that I can get these kids in and out without upsetting anyone. On top of all this I have to protect them from germs. Ultra small, well, invisible really, little packages of vile bacteria, viruses, and fungi. We are at risk for swine flu, bird flu, and seasonal flu. We could acquire strep, staph, or RSV. God forbid someone not wash their hands after a cdiff encounter. We would all have the runs for days. Keeping their hands off rails, elevator buttons, the floor for heaven's sake, well I would have better luck asking an octopus to stand still. At least the foaming alcohol hand sanitizer is everywhere in the hall. They've only shot themselves in the face with it three or four times now. Sigh.
Little hands, o little hands, why are you drawn so to the germs?
You promptly touch first this, then that,
What has been touched so oft' before.
Please stop. Please wash.
Put your hands in your pockets please.
By God's grace we shan't have to come here anymore.
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