So, Chris is in the hospital this week for his last round of chemo. Wow. So hard to believe we have made it through a year of this now. I wanted to start this blog as a way to chronicle this coming year. A year of recovery and rebuilding. I know a lot will change this year and I don't want to forget the hard lessons we have learned. Soon I will be posing sort of a "year in review." I think it would be good to have a recap on here. But as I figure out what in the world I am doing with this thing I will add bits of things the way they are now. There is an amazing therapeutic effect in purging all the words I have about life. (I am also one of those crazy people who takes great pleasure in popping a huge zit) And all of you (will I even have any readers???) that have wonderfully professional blogs, or read wonderfully professional blogs, can watch with glee at how I struggle to get this one off the ground. It's OK, I like to bring joy to others. Even if I need to make fun of myself once in awhile.
Spring is coming!! Spring is coming!! And a new journey for the Fontaine clan.
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