I wanted to celebrate because it has been a really tough year for us. Last April was when Chris got his first diagnosis of cancer. I have the privilege of hindsight now. Though it was the worst year of my life in many ways, it was also amazing and exactly what I needed. I grew spiritually, felt God’s presence in breathtaking and new ways, made extraordinary friendships, learned to prioritize better, and was forced to meet up with mortality face to face.
But who, you ask, wants to feel mortality’s cool breath on their face? Who wants to look into those unwavering and knowing eyes? We can’t sweep mortality under the rug, so we set it up next to the other gorillas in the corner of the room and strategically set a lamp in front of it. Logic says fearing what we can’t predict or know fully is foolish. Emotions hinder the logic mind and allow fear to do its damage. So as an emotional person who has snatches of logical thinking, here is my take on the whole matter.
If you are riding in a canoe or other easily overturned craft with another person, what do you wish of that person? Don’t rock the boat. Don’t put me in danger of going overboard. If you go out on the ocean in anything that floats, be it a surf board or a cruise liner, what are you concerned of? Making it back to land, preferably without any bodily harm. Self preservation is a strong drive.
When we hear that someone has a grave illness, like cancer, it is easy to feel there is no hope. It is easy to think their days on earth are now shortened. I have felt that way but I see it differently now. While they may die sooner than later, they may also outlive you or I. See, God promised that He is the one who numbers our days. Not some disease. Whether we like it or not, we are all in the same boat. The future is not ours to know. This means you better have a firm foundation in something. I have chosen my foundation to be God. I will not force that down your throat, but I will highly recommend it to you because I care. I care that as many people as possible get to experience His love. I believe He is the only life preserver that really works in a gale.
While the storm may have weakened or passed for us right now, I know it will come back. Maybe the same storm, maybe something different. I don’t want to fall out of the boat. But when I get too focused on the waves and wind then I do what Peter did and sink like a rock. So, I will go against the flow. I will choose to jump out of the boat and ignore the waves. Jesus’ hand is there. The tough times will obscure it, I know. I have to keep looking for it. But self preservation is a strong drive. The only way to save my life is to give it up to Him. He will take better care of it than I, and He will take better care of the ones that I love than I. Praise God for that.
Wow! Thank you for sharing! Praising God with you for this new season.