I was in bed, about to attempt sleep, and then I heard it - the familiar, frantic flapping of frustrated wings. It sounded like a horsefly or wasp at first. I was a bit miffed at the mystery creature because I was tired and I'm a light sleeper. I figured I was going to have to get up and shoo it from the room. Then, it left the window it had been throwing itself upon and flew in crazy loops about the room. It was a moth. I was surprised it had been able to make so much noise. Now I was no longer considering my potential lack of sleep. I was captivated by this wild flight. We can all picture the graceful ballet of a butterfly above spring blossoms. A moth, being a similar creature, does not immediately conjure up this crazed and dazed display before my eyes. In fact, most often I see moths still, perched on a wall or window. This was the most active moth I had ever seen, and it circled tighter towards the light on the ceiling. Being for the most part nocturnal, I can see why a moth would be drawn towards a light source. It flew just under the bulbs and danced around the dead bug parts that had settled. It stirred up a dust cloud of bits and pieces, some of which rained down over the edges of the light fixture.
Someone should really clean that...
I was a bit concerned that it would burn up. I know how hot lights can get. Thankfully it escaped before being burned and flew off to the shadows somewhere to recover from its freak out.
It's not meant to live in a house with lights. It's supposed to be out in the night air finding night blooming flowers and sweet fermenting fruit. Though it's cousin gets all the attention for beauty,it is just as lovely. And here this little one was struggling to figure out what to do with this draw towards something artificial that would just kill it given long enough.
And here is where I also find myself these days. I've been comparing myself to the beautiful - but to who I am not. I am chasing the artificial light and ignoring who I am. I am the trapped moth when I try to be not me, and lose my identity in fake fluorescence.
I'm never comfortable when I'm trying to live up to something. I fall pathetically short when I try to impress. I feel damaged and bruised, like I've been bashing my own self into a wall after a session of trying to convince someone they should like me, that I'm impressive. I reach my hand out for that tantalizing glitter, risking the burn all over again. But, if I'm willing to be the moth and not the butterfly I can shine. If I can let go of fake promises and embrace the only true Light then I will be free to really find my life and my purpose. My God sees through the night of my life and knows my true colors and how to bring them out.
If I could just try to please God as hard as I try to please others...
So, next time you come across a trapped moth, do it (her, him) a favor - set them free.
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