“…the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
Genesis 2:7
So we are born into this existence, creatures made of the crust of our world. Then life and its trials overwhelm us, dry us out, and threaten to scatter us by the wind. Must these storms, literal and metaphorical, undo us? Couldn’t they shape and form?
The middle matters. Time on this sphere starts our journey to forever. We will be resurrected because Jesus was. Mud men can become pure creatures. And this theme repeats and reverberates all around us: spring flowers, hatchlings, bullfrogs and butterflies, blossoms and buds.
I am formable after the rains, I have a spirit after I have been breathed upon, and I am a mud man turned eternal creature since Jesus is the forever in my heart.
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