It’s waste, cast off.

It was foul. It drew flies and beetles.
Time has changed it. While it sat, forgotten, it dried, solidified, became lighter.
As I set the boys to work to dig it out, it was easier to remove than we thought.
“Why do we need to put poop on the garden anyway?”
“Well, it’s fertilizer. Think of it as vitamins for the plants.”
I see it then. My pain, my mess, and my failures, what are they? After time they feed the changes in my soul. When do I grow and flourish? Not when all is well. After the pain and the storm. That’s when I see change that is needed, that’s when I have been fertilized so I can grow.
I don’t want to have to work with things that are hard. I’m tired of struggling to be honest.
But new growth is hard work, and it doesn’t happen passively. Working against the curse is like running against hurricane force winds.
I’ve got a God who is my Gardener. I’m trusting Him to grow me into what I am supposed to be.
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