Do you ever go so long without something that you forget it? Forget that it's good?
I stepped out of the YMCA tonight with Levi and Noah after their Taekwondo class and smelled it. Moisture in the air. It was unexpected and I was surprised at how wonderful it smelled. I could see the droplets in beams from parking lot lights and car headlights. A fog had settled in, wrapping everything in its soft fuzziness. It hit me that in winter you don't ever smell moisture in the air because it is usually so dry. All the precipitation is frozen and therefore has no smell.
I am not a cold weather person and am currently in a desperate yearning for spring. The smell of that air full of water was laden with hope. Hope of green and warm and new again. It was still cold - at least for me. But the mist was a sign that winters hold will soon be loosed and therefore its desert feel will give way to moist new life.
I was glad to be reminded.
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