Dear Lizzie,
It's been awhile - I've been busy. Between house work (chores) and house work (rehabbing the homestead home), homeschooling, rearing young, and all other activities I need to get accomplished in a day I have precious little free time. I am a bit worn thin, but not complaining, because for now I would have it no other way. Pealing back these layers of history and repainting it with my personality has been a fulfilling project. I am even undeterred by the wild things we have found under floors, in walls, and the ceiling.
I have three wild boys and a little princess who will soon live in those walls, walk on those floors, and stare up at those ceilings. I think you would love them if you could meet them. They have some of your blood in their veins, and Claire shares your name - Claire Elizabeth. The boys have the wild fiery spirits that make them perfect for farm life. Claire loves to be outside and has no worries about eating rocks and dirt one moment, and stroking the back of a doll lovingly the next. She is strong and knows who she is even at a tender eighteen months.
I would love it if I could go back in time and see you as a mother in action. You are the real, original super mom. No cell phone, no washing machine, no running water, no pre-packaged food, no TV!!, no bleach, no neosporin, no chocolate, no ten-pack socks, no motrin, no movie night - I'm stopping there. I am overwhelmed. You showed up at that house and changed it from house to home overnight with little ones on your knees. Thank you for spurring me on to be a better mom. I will try to honor your memory as I raise my own brood among the whispers of past history.
When we are all done with this work and settled in, you should come over for tea. It would be fun.
Yours Truly,
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