Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dear Lizzie... (2)

Dear Lizzie,
Today I walked State Street in Augusta with my family.  My four little trick-or-treaters all dressed up, accepting the free candy with glee.  I had a Continental soldier, a John Deere Tractor, a Pirate, and a giraffe with me.  I know you don't know what a tractor is.  I suppose you have heard many stories of the Revolution, but it is a distant memory and the Civil War stories are more common.  Have you heard of pirates?  Surely you have.  I have one scurvy dog with me, I tell you!  I am going to bet you have read of giraffes in books.  We have had the privilege of seeing many in zoos; even getting to feed several.
I bet Frank would have scratched his head to see the kids decked out in strange costumes parading up and down a street he knew so well.  I suppose with your sturdy, but conservative, Christian background, you would have seen no good in it.  I assure you for us it is all in good fun.  The kids put a lot of time, effort, and creativity into their costumes this year.
It was interesting to imagine the Augusta you knew and compare it to the one I know.  The old buildings downtown bring a smile to my face.  I like to see the history preserved.

Yours Truly,


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