We were again marveling at the numbers of flooring layers - four this time. We also found the pile of used of razors in the wall that were used by my grandpa. After much hammering, sawing, banging, cutting, kicking, and general loud and dirty chaos, we made the bathroom as it was disappear.
Now the best find of the day is arguable. One treasure we found was a completely dehydrated, but intact, mouse. It's dried up little body was a fraction of it's living weight, but looked as if it had just fallen asleep - and then lost it's hair. The boys want to sell it online. The second awesome find was pulled out of the wall. There is a joint in the siding where the old kitchen Frank built meets the dining room area built much later. Keeping with the "fix it quick and cheep" theme of the house, old "rags" were stuffed in the gap at some point. Levi and Noah were too curious to leave them be, so they started pulling them out. And what did we find? Bras. Seven to be exact. There were also a couple of pairs of undies. Quite old undies and bras. I can only imagine the scenario that led to those items of clothing being stuffed in the wall. And now, years later they offered us some very much needed comic relief. Good thing grandma will never know we found them...
I still can't believe you found those in the wal!!!